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Networking is the U.S. 对共同基金和其他汇集投资的帐目核对和处理股息和资本收益的行业标准. 联网通过在基金和中介机构之间有效传输数据,简化了账户记录的核对.

  • Overview

    网络是简化客户账户级信息交换的行业标准, 通过安全自动化大量活动报告(包括创建新帐户)来提高效率, DTCC客户(如基金和经纪人/交易商)之间的账户维护和转账.

    A major capability of the service accommodates Networking for Direct Accounts, 哪一项涉及交换直接持有于共同基金的投资者帐户资料, pooled investment or other comparable investment product. 投资发行公司有能力建立和维护股东账户, including when an intermediary is listed on the account. 通过这种方式,所有相关人员都可以维护相同的客户帐户数据.

    网络中包含的“网络级别”特性提供了操作选项,以帮助中介体满足其特定的业务需求. 每个网络级别为投资公司和中介机构定义了一组不同的报告控制, prescribing how shareholder servicing will be completed, and by whom.

    Networking enhances account management through these additional features:

  • Benefits

    • Automates and standardizes account reports for uniform record layouts.
    • Reduces operating costs and enhances processing efficiencies.
    • Mitigates risk associated with error-prone, manual processes.
    • 消除了对专用通信线路、传真和电话连接的需要.
    • 通过为每个客户计算单个结算数字,简化了股息和资本收益的结算过程, every day.
    • 通过选择客户报告级别来增强报告控制,以最佳地匹配公司的业务实践和客户服务目标.
    • 优化vns6060威尼斯城官网断点计算的法规报告和遵从性, frequent trading and short-term redemption fees.
    • 提高准确性,速度和透明度的基金和公司在综合关系.

  • Who Can Use The Service


  • How the Networking Service Works

    通过大型机通过DTCC的SMART连接或MyDTCC Web Portal可以方便地访问网络,该门户使MF客户可以通过互联网直接访问NSCC和其他DTCC子公司提供的服务.


    Activity Reporting

    • 报告任何直接发生在基金或其他可比投资vnsr威尼斯城官网登入上导致账户余额变化的金融交易.
    • Includes closing share balances for Fund/SERV-initiated activity.
    • Reports year-end tax information on reallocated distributions.

    Dividend Distribution Reports

    • Transmits dividend information, including the dividend rate, posting, record and payable dates, and short and long-term capital gains.
    • Reports new share balances for each customer account, 客户是否选择股息再投资或以现金支付.
    • 提供了一个选择,使用澳门赌场的净结算系统的成员谁服务帐户,选择现金分红.

    Position Files

    • 允许将基金每个子账户的期末股份余额文件传送给经纪人/交易商和其他分销公司.

    Account Maintenance & Reconciliation

    • Enables funds to send non-financial, 向参与公司提供有关特定证券的详细客户帐户信息.
    • 提供基金的清理文件,以便经纪人/交易商和其他分销公司可以审查他们如何在基金中设立账户.
    • 允许经纪/交易商和其他分销公司通过基金账户响应指标要求提供特定网络账户的全套基金转换记录.
    • Offers scheduled, detailed reporting of each account’s setup, including withholding information, branch number, account representative number, and distribution option information.

    Networking Level Account Control
    Firms select the level of reporting controls for each type of account.

    • 级别0:此级别可用于标识非联网的底层客户帐户, held directly at a fund company, or are trust accounts shared by a trust company and a brokerage firm. This dual arrangement allows both parties to share information, with the trust maintaining fiduciary responsibility for these accounts.
    • 级别3:经纪人/交易商和其他中介人全权控制客户账户, handling all orders, customer statements and reporting. Underlying customers have no direct privileges with the fund company.
    • Level 4: The fund company handles all underlying customer communications. 标的客户直接拥有基金的全部股东特权, 或者可以直接通过经纪公司和其他分销公司管理交易,这些公司处理订单,并由基金公司通知所有客户账户记录的变化.

  • For More Information

    Please contact Client Support at 1-212-855-8877 or by email at [email protected].

    网络是国家证券结算公司(NSCC)提供的一项服务, a wholly owned DTCC subsidiary. The Service is governed by applicable Rules, Procedures, and Service Guides of NSCC, which contain the full terms, conditions, and limitations applicable to this Service. The Service description herein is for informational purposes only, and NSCC reserves the right to make modifications.

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